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"Family involvement is key to student success; it needs to be enhanced so that a true partnership is formed for the betterment of the child."                     

                                                                                         ~Elementary School Principal, Illinois                                                  

What is my role in my child’s ABA program?


Parents are instrumental in the success of their child’s ABA program. Parental involvement is essential for obtaining the best long-term outcome for a child. A parent’s ability to implement ABA strategies in the natural environment aids in promoting generalization and maintenance of newly acquired skills. Therefore, we are committed to our partnership with parents. Although we recognize this requires a tremendous commitment of time and energy, we highly encourage parents to participate in some of the weekly ABA sessions. The success of an ABA program and generalization of skills is directly correlated with parental support and involvement. Maximum benefit is further achieved when all caregivers (extended family members, siblings, babysitters, and teachers) in a child’s environment are trained in the use of behavioral techniques. 

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